Calendar events around Cambridgeshire that you may have missed
This page lists historical calendar events that started near to or passed through Cambridge. The list includes rides that were easy to get to on the day without a car. Updated June 2021
2 October — Richard Ellis Memorial 100 & 200 >
The last Essex foray of the old calendar, starting a busy time for the ACME team. This is a lovely route through north Essex, south Cambridgeshire and west Suffolk. To commemorate our friend Richard Ellis' life, tragically cut short; Richard's family have manned some of the controls for four of the last five years and will be at Maglia Rosso again this year.
GPS files for the 200km event are here >
[Enter the 200 >][8946]
There is also a shorter 100km route, ideal for ECEing to 200km.
GPS files for the 100km event are here >
[Enter the 100 >][8947]
7 August — Essex R&R 200 + A Little Essex R&R 100 — Witham
Grant's Rivers & Reservoirs ride, starting from Witham.
[Essex R&R 200 >][8709]
[A Little Essex R&R 100 >][8710]
[14 August — Rutland Weekend 300 — Baldock >][8570]
Revival of this classic "LEL-prep" ride from Baldock in Herts.
[2 September — The ACME Grand – Further West >][8809]
A revised 1000km route for this Gavin-and-Stacy and Return-of-Gavin-and-Stacy monster! Last time we visited Barry twice, this time the route goes further west. Hands-up for a tailwind home!
18 September — The Four Minute Mile 200 + Hertfordshire Greenways 100 + 50
A ride around the eastern end of the Chilerns range, starting from Stevenage. Three distances.
[The Four Minute Mile 200 >][9199]
[Hertfordshire Greenways 100 >][8212]
[Hertfordshire Greenways Lite 50 >][8213]
[25 September — Suffolk Byways 100 — Blaxhall >][9025]
A pleasant ride around the lanes north-east of Ipswich, including a visit to Dunwich on the coast.
17 July — 100km Rough Stuff Fellowship Social Ride from Cambridge
A relaxed, 100km off-road event around Cambridge, starting and finishing at Bicycle Ambulance. This is an event for gravel bikes and they say it won't include much Tarmac. A party atmosphere in the countryside on a sunny day.
It's not audax, but it is long, and we like the guys at BA.
[17 July — Asparagus & Strawberries 400 >][8662]
The annual pilgrimage from Manningtree on the south coast of Essex to Wells on the north Norfolk coast for fish'n'chips on the quayside.
17 July — Suffolk Lanes in varying distances
Starting from Bildeston in Suffolk, a plethora of routes take you out into the sleepy countryside:
10 July — The Capitals of East Anglia 300 »
The second-running of our popular 300km event that heads far out into the ‘wilds’ of Suffolk, dipping a toe in the North Sea at Dunwich, and then to the civilisation that is Norfolk, before heading back to Cambridge via the ‘subsea’ levels of Fenlandia.
This year it's running a couple of months later than 2019, so lots more daylight and should be toasty warm and sunny!
3 July — Fenland Friends 600 > and [Yorkshire Via Essex 600 >][8690]
Possibly the flattest ride out of Essex, with only 2,500m of climbing concentrated in the first and last 50km, but in the opposite direction to the original Flatlands.
Up to six riders will also ride Flatliner, the permanent version of Flatlands, so that you have someone to wave to halfway around the course (Kirton-in-Lindsay, I think).
Starts from Great Dunmow.
GPS files for this event are here »
[Enter Fenland Friends 600 >][8690]
20 June — The Windmill Rides >
200km and 100km events run by Chelmsford CTC, visiting as many windmills as they could find (and we know of a few they missed!).
The Cambridge Pork Pie 200 — 5 June 2021 »
We missed this event last year, because covid, and we're so excited to put it back in the calendar this year, albeit much later than its usual mid-March slot, which means sun? Here's hoping! A flat-hilly-hillier-flat route through some glorious countryside to Melton Mowbray, the self-acclaimed home of the hand-drawn pork pie.
The Cambridge Spring Dash 100 — 5 June 2021 »
The short companion to the Pork Pie, this is always a popular ride for time-or-leg-challenged riders, as well as those who want to ride to the start, but don't have time or legs for a 300. Two info controls this year, with the option of coffee in Saffron Walden and the White Horse Inn in Withersfield.
The Red Penny Ride 100 — 9 May 2021 »
The first in a new series of winter rides from Saffron Walden, this had to be put on hold due to covid, and now planned as a springtime event. The Red Penny Ride is a 100km East Anglian dash to Maglia Rosso for brunch/lunch, with a gently rolling retour to the start. Designed for Cambridge, Herts and Essex riders to extend to 200km for RRTY, or just to ride as an easy 100 to keep some form over winter into spring.
A delightful route, it should be all the better for being run in spring.
5 December 2019 — The Stansted Airport Express 100 >
The second of ACME's 100k Winter Brevet Series. A fun winter 100km event with not much in the way of climbing, but usually accompanied by a bitter headwind in parts. A trip to a café just off the end of Stansted runway.
Starts from Witham, Essex.
Ideal to ECE to 200km for RRtY or fun!
GPS files for this event are here >
[Enter here >][8706]
[24 November 2019 — The Waveney Wander 100 >][8423]
A lovely, rural winter route through rolling Suffolk and southern Norfolk, with a visit to the pleasant market town of Beccles.
Starts from Carlton Colville, Suffolk.
[Enter here >][8423]
15 November — The Red Penny Ride 100 >
The first in a new series of winter rides from Saffron Walden, The Red Penny Ride is a 100km East Anglian dash to Maglia Rosso for brunch/lunch, with a gently rolling retour to the start. Designed for Cambridge, Herts and Essex riders to extend to 200km for RRTY, or just to ride as an easy 100 to keep some form over winter.
A delightful route, winter sunshine is guaranteed*.
(*it's not)
[7 November 2020 — Essex 3 R's 100 >][8624]
The first of ACME's Winter 100k Brevet Series, there are four in all. A reverse of the summer 'A Little Essex R&R' with opportunity to ECE for some autumn points. Ride all 4 and earn a shiny!
Starts from Witham, Essex.
Ideal to ECE to 200km for RRtY or fun!
[Enter here >][8624]
17 October — The Cambridge Autumnal 200 >
Autumn is a great time to celebrate the end of one and the start of another Audax UK season by getting out on the winter bike and putting away some miles — "winter miles, summer smiles", as the saying goes, and now's definitely as good a time as any to put it to the test.**
For this autumnal adventure the route takes you exactly due east across the gently rolling Suffolk landscape via the old towns of Newmarket, Bury St Edmunds and Debenham to the historic castle-and-market town of Framlingham for lunch. Autumn is a great time to celebrate the end of one and the start of another Audax UK season by getting out on the winter bike and putting away some miles!
Starts from Girton, Cambridge.
17 October — The Cambridge Autumnal 100 >
The old Audax UK season ends on 31 October, so if you're looking to get one last-gasp ride in for the season, as a prelude to keeping fit over winter, then this 100km event is an ideal taster to get you started — taking in fast TT-style main roads, with the smoothest tarmac in the country to narrow lanes with grass down the middle; back roads through forgotten villages and city centre streets in Cambridge, this route has it all.
Starts from Girton, Cambridge.
3 September 2020 — The ACME Grand — Further West >
"We're just going over to see the neighbours!" — 1004km cycling event starting from Witham, Essex, and visiting quite a bit of South Wales, while taking in the Cotswolds, Forest of Dean, and Welsh Valleys. There will be an ACME 'Tea and Welsh Cakes' party on the Black Mountain.
Starts from Witham, Essex.
[Enter this event >][20-132]
[24 June — The London Midweek Sightseer 100 >][20-558]
An incredible tour of central London from Richmond in the west to the Olympic Vélodrome in the east, and back again. North of the Thames on the outbound route and South of the Thames on the return. An infeasibly detailed routesheet and mandatory GPS issues in the canyons of London-town, this is a truly fascinating event. Included in this list because it is spectacular! A bit of drive to get to the start, but worth it.
This event runs on a Wednesday; it runs again on a weekend later in the year.
Starts from Hampton Hill, West London.
[Enter the London Midweek Sightseer >][20-558]
21 June — Chelmer CC's Windmill Rides — [Windmill Ride 200 >][20-272] and [Windmill Ride 110 >][20-271]
I have no information about what these rides actually are, except that they start in Chelmsford. It looks like the 200 heads thru Saffron Walden.
Starts from Chelmsford.
[Enter Windmill Ride 200 >][20-272]
[Enter Windmill Ride 110 >][20-271]
20 June — Fenland Friends 600 > and [Yorkshire Via Essex 600 >][20-382]
Possibly the flattest ride out of Essex, with only 2,500m of climbing concentrated in the first and last 50km, but in the opposite direction to the original Flatlands.
Fenland Friends is run on the same day as [Yokrshire via Essex 600][20-382] and riders can expect to pass each other twice during the event.
Starts from Great Dunmow.
GPS files for this event are here »
[Enter Fenland Friends 600 >][20-398]
[Enter Yokrshire via Essex 600 >][20-382]
6 June — Tour de Stour rides — [Grand Tour 200 >][20-278], [Tour 100 >][20-280], and [Mini Upper 50 >][20-155]
A series of rides based around the River Stour from source to sea.
Starts from Long Melford.
[Enter Grand Tour de Stour 200 >][20-278]
[Enter Tour de Stour 100 >][20-280]
[Enter Mini Upper Stour 50 >][20-155]
[30 May — Asparagus & Strawberries 400 >][20-901]
Classic Essex 400km event that starts from Manningtree and heads the long way up thru Suffolk and Norfolk to Wells-by-the-Sea for a fish supper (be quick — the chippie closes at 7pm). It's then a long, lonely, overnight haul down fast — and completely deserted — main roads to Saffron Walden, before a sharp left-turn and heading cross-country to the finish in Manningtree.
Starts from Manningtree.
[Enter here >][20-901]
[10 May — There And Back Again (aka End Of Hibernation) 200 >][20-130]
The return of this classic event — with a change of name — from Terry Dickerson, starting from Hauxton, south of Cambridge, just off the M11. A lovely circular route through Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, and dropping briefly into Essex near the end. Very quiet lanes and gently rolling countryside ideal for a first 200 or for riding it fixed-gear. Starts from Hauxton, Cambridge.
[Enter here >][20-130]
[2 May — Green & Yellow Fields 300 >][20-900]
Classic Essex 300km event starting from Manningtree at one minute past midnight on Saturday morning and heads thru the dark to Burnham Deepdale on the North Norfolk Coast in time for breakfast. A leisurely return via Wymondham should result in a late lunch in the platform café at Manningtree station. Usually preceded by a curry Friday evening.
Starts from Manningtree.
[Enter here >][20-900]
25 April — Shaftesbury CC Essex Lanes rides — [200 >][20-248], [150 >][20-250], and [100 >][20-313]
Shaftesbury CC's annual spring foray. The 150 is ideal to extend to 200 if you live close by, otherwise it should the 200, obviously.
Starts from The 'Uts, Henham, nr Saffron Walden.
[Enter Essex Lanes 200 >][20-248]
[Enter Essex Lanes 150 >][20-250]
[Enter Essex Lanes 100 >][20-313]
[18 April — The Woodman 100 >][20-419] and [The Woodman's Daughter 50 >][20-416]
A trip around the woods of mid-Essex at bluebell time. 50km has alternative on- and off-road routes which can be mixed and matched – ultra-low minimum speed of 8.3kph on the 50km event gives 6 hours to take your time and enjoy a leisurely day out. Starts from Great Dunmow.
GPS files for these events are here >
[Enter the Woodman 100 >][20-419]
[Enter 50km event >][20-416]
[11 April — Nederlandse Dubbele (aka Double Dutch) 200 >][20-555]
The annual foray into Fenlandia to the east of Huntingdon and Peterborough. Special 10th Anniversary edition of Double Dutch. A flat tour of the Fen with waterways bulbfields windmills and optional ferry. No busy A roads; uses quiet lanes and local roads. Includes chocolate Easter bunny. Starts from Huntingdon.
[Enter here >][20-555]
[29 March — Stevenage Start of Summertime Specials (SSoSS) 200k >][20-321]
The classic start of summertime event is back on the Sunday the clocks go forward, supported by Stevenage CTC. With an updated route, outbound via Saffron Walden, turning at the delightful market town of Lavenham as always, and returning via Thaxted. Starts from Stevenage.
[Enter here >][20-321]
[22 March — Chelmer CC 200 >][20-568]
Chelmer CC's annual 200km early season audax. Starts from Chelmsford.
[Enter here >][20-568]
21 March — The Cambridge Pork Pie 200 >
We love a good pork pie! Melton Mowbray is synonymous with that tasty, pastry-covered block of jelly-enshrined meat! Nom-nom! This event takes you from Girton, Cambridge, to Melton Mowbray and back via some truly scenic (in the traditional sense) and scenic (in the audax sense) landscapes. A fantastic opportunity to climb les Alpes de Leicestershire to fetch your own pork pie!
This is a surprisingly hilly — and fun! — route for one starting from Cambridge: made more fun because most of the hills are concentrated at the far end. A flat and quick run-out for the first leg, and a mostly flat and quick run back in again on the final leg mean that you should easily make back any time you lose climbing les Alpes de Leicestershire, although don't dilly-dally in Oundle on the way out if you want to beat the cut-offs!
As we've done for the past few years, there's also an optional extra-scenic route!
Starts from Girton, Cambridge.
21 March — The Cambridge Spring Dash 100 >
This early in the season everything's just beginning to wake up and it's always good to have something interesting to aim for.
This is a 100km triangular route with a couple of pubs as controls — the Tally Ho in Barkway serves the best coffee I've tasted outside Italy, and The White Horse in Withersfield (formerly Bradman's) will also oblige; plus there's an optional coffee stop at Bicicletta in Saffron Walden midway between the two. Coffee and croissant at the Tally Ho, elevenses at Bicicletta, and lunch — or a pint — at the White Horse.
There will be cake at arrivée! Starts from Girton, Cambridge.
[14 March — The Horsepower 100 & 200 — Great Dunmow >][20-389]
A good and rolling early-season 200 from Great Dunmow in Essex. A mix of quieter B roads with some lovely lanes in Suffolk and Norfolk. Commercial controls with food at the start and finish included in the entry fee. A week earlier this year, so a good partner to riding the Pork Pie as well!
This ride is ideal to extend to 300 by ECEing from Cambridge, or even extend to 320km for that first double-Imperial-century of the season. Starts from Great Dunmow.
GPS files for these events are here >
[Enter here >][20-389]
[16 February — Brazier's Run 100 >][20-689]
The classic winter 100 from Victoria CC's "'ut" between Henham and Newport. There's also a shorter 50km option.
Starts near Henham, Essex.
Ideal to ECE to 200km for RRtY or fun!
[Enter the 100km event here >][20-689]
[Enter the 50km event here >][20-913]
[1 February — Knights Templar Compasses 100 >][20-204]
The fourth and final of ACME's 100k Winter Brevet Series. A themed 105k tour of Knights Templar related locations. Again, an opportunity to ECE for some winter points. Ridden all 4 in the Winter Series? Collect a shiny!
Starts from Witham, Essex.
Ideal to ECE to 200km for RRtY or fun!
[Enter here >][20-204]
[18 January — The Kelvedon Oyster 100 >][20-245]
The third of ACME's 100k Winter Brevet Series. A visit to West Mersea, a causal island in the Thames estuary, with the chance to sample a Colchester native oyster.
Starts from Kelvedon, Essex.
Ideal to ECE to 200km for RRtY or fun!
[Enter here >][20-245]
[22 December 2019 — Santa Special 200 >][20-233]
A circular route nearest the shortest day of the year. A chance to see some Xmas lights both tasteful and not! Hopefully the sun will shine for us this year!
Starts from Great Bromley, Essex.
[Enter here >][20-233]
7 December 2019 — The Stansted Airport Express 100 >
The second of ACME's 100k Winter Brevet Series. A fun winter 100km event with not much in the way of climbing, but usually accompanied by a bitter headwind in parts. A trip to a café just off the end of Stansted runway.
Starts from Witham, Essex.
Ideal to ECE to 200km for RRtY or fun!
GPS files for this event are here >
[Enter here >][19-342]
[24 November 2019 — The Waveney Wanderer 100 >][20-686]
A lovely, rural winter route through rolling Suffolk and southern Norfolk, with a visit to the pleasant market town of Beccles.
Starts from Carlton Colville, Suffolk.
[Enter here >][20-686]
[2 November 2019 — Essex 3 R's 100 >][19-340]
The first of ACME's Winter 100k Brevet Series, there are four in all. A reverse of the summer 'A Little Essex R&R' with opportunity to ECE for some autumn points. Ride all 4 and earn a shiny!
Starts from Witham, Essex.
Ideal to ECE to 200km for RRtY or fun!
[Enter here >][19-340]
19 October 2019 — The Cambridge Autumnal 200 >
It feels like the end of the year, but it's actually the beginning of the new audax season and October is the time to get the winter bike out and enjoy the change in seasons!
For this autumnal adventure, the route takes you exactly due east across the gently rolling Suffolk landscape via the old towns of Newmarket, Bury St Edmunds and Debenham to the historic castle-and-market town of Framlingham for lunch. The return route visits the Maglia Rosso bike-haven in Hawstead for afternoon tea, before re-ascending the chalk ridgeline around Cambridge and a long descent back to the plains below.
After being forced a week later last year due to a prior booking in the hall, it's back to its usual slot on the third Saturday in October this year.
19 October 2019 — The Cambridge Autumnal 100 >
For some riders the new audax season starts with that first long ride that leads into the second long ride and so on. We all started somewhere!
This is an exciting route that takes in a series of long, steady climbs through the hills south of Cambridge and visits the historic towns of Thaxted, Saffron Walden and Linton. Over a third of the route is on narrow lanes, the rest being a mix of quiet C, B and A roads. Navigation is straightforward and the scenery should be fantastic!
5 October 2019 — Richard Ellis Memorial 100 & 200 >
The first Essex foray of the new calendar, starting a busy time for the ACME team. This is a lovely route through north Essex, south Cambridgeshire and west Suffolk. To commemorate our friend Richard Ellis' life, tragically cut short; Richard's family have manned some of the controls for the last four years and will be at Maglia Rosso again this year; Andy Terry hosted everyone for the third control in Manningtree last year and may do so again this, TBC.
GPS files for the 200km event are here >
[Enter the 200 >][19-388]
There is also a shorter 100km route, ideal for ECEing to 200km.
GPS files for the 100km event are here >
[Enter the 100 >][19-387]
18 August — Paris-Brest-Paris 1200
“PBP” is the blue-riband audax/randonneuring event around the world! It has been running since 1891, and is a veritable festival of cycling. Over 6000 cyclists will take part in this 1200km ride across western France to the tip of Brittany and back again. It happens only once every four years, and 2019 is one of those years. More info on Audax UK, here.
Many of the rides in the UK during March thru June are "qualifiers" for this event — to qualify you must successfully complete a Super Randonneur series of eligible rides: 200km + 300km + 400km + 600km. You pay a deposit in January when entries open, and you pay the balance on completing all four of the required BRM qualifiers.
[21 July — The Bildeston Suffolk Lanes events — Bildeston, Suffolk >][19-870]
A series of laney meanders along the lanes of Suffolk in classic British summer weather. Quiet lanes and a few B roads — a lovely day out on the bike.
These events have taken place.
[20 July — Kingdom of the East Saxons 400 >][19-166]
A grand tour of the extents of the ancient county of Essex, Kingdom of the East Saxons, starting from Great Dunmow, Essex, at the perfectly ECE-able time of 11am and heading out in a figure-of-eight formation, first heading west, before heading east and then heading south, with a return to base for a quick kip somewhere in the middle. A great opportunity to do a final kit-test before PBP.
GPS files to follow …
This event has taken place.
5 July — Hereward The Wake 300 — Gt Dunmow >
Tom Deakins' classic overnight raid of Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire, starting from Great Dunmow, Essex, at 9pm, and heading in a big triangle through the night to Whittlesey via Cambridge, then Newport Pagnell, and back to base for brunch. Always popular — a really lovely experience through the night.
GPS files for this event are here »
This event has taken place.
22 June — Fenland Friends 600 — PBP Quali > and [Yorkshire Via Essex 600 — PBP Quali >][19-382]
Possibly the flattest ride out of Essex, with only 2,500m of climbing concentrated in the first and last 50km, but in the opposite direction to the original Flatlands.
Fenland Friends is run on the same day as [Yokrshire via Essex 600][19-382] and riders can expect to pass each other twice during the event.
These two events will be last-gasp 600km qualifiers for PBP, so likely to be quite busy.
GPS files for this event are here »
These events have taken place.
[1 June — Asparagus & Strawberries 400 — Manningtree — PBP Qualifier >][19-901]
The other of Herman Ramsey's Manningtree-start classics, this is a day-night-day ride starting in Essex and heading into Suffolk, then Norfolk, including a ferry crossing of the Broads, and on to a fish-and-chip dinner at Wells-next-the-Sea on the north Norfolk coast. A peaceful ride back through the night in the opposite direction to Green & Yellow Fields, with some unexpectedly lumpiness starting as you leave Newmarket, continuing through Saffron Walden and not getting any better right to the finish!
This event is always popular and more-so in a PBP year.
This event has taken place.
18 May — The Flatlands 600 — Gt Dunmow — PBP Qualifier >
Possibly the flattest ride out of Essex, with only 2,500m of climbing concentrated in the first and last 50km, The Flatlands 600 is a perennial favourite. It's looking likely that this will be a well-populated ride, as it's the most obvious 600km PBP qualifier in the East Anglian region.
GPS files for this event are here >
This event has taken place.
[4 May — Green & Yellow Fields 300 — Manningtree — PBP Qualifier >][19-900]
G&YF is probably the classic East Anglian 300km event, starting at one minute past midnight from Manningtree and heading north through the peace and quiet of the night to breakfast on the north Norfolk coast at Barton Mills, before heading back to south Essex via Wymondham near Norwich. This is always a popular event and attracts an even bigger crowd in PBP years.
This event is a PBP Qualifier and ideal to combine with Heart of Anglia 200, or The Capitals of East Anglia 300 (as an over-distance 200) the week before.
This event has taken place.
[27 April — Heart of Anglia 200 — Debenham, Suffolk — PBP Qualifier >][19-71]
A new 200km route from our friend David Coupe, CTC Suffolk, this follows lanes and quiet roads around Suffolk and into Norfolk, briefly touching Cambridgeshire, visiting Bury St Edmunds, Ely and Swaffham. The countryside around this area is very quiet and this is set to become a popular and classic event. There is the option of a curry at the finish, too!
This event is a PBP Qualifier and ideal to combine with Green & Yellow Fields 300 the week after.
This event has taken place.
[20 April — Double Dutch 200 — Huntingdon — PBP Qualifier >][19-555]
Go to Holland for the day without leaving the UK! a flat tour of the Fen with waterways bulbfields, windmills, and an optional ferry. No busy A roads; the route uses quiet lanes and local roads.
A popular Easter Saturday X-rated event around Fenlandia. Very flat! Easy to get to the start on the East Coast mainline, as well as A14 and A1 links.
This event has taken place.
27 April — The Capitals of East Anglia 300 — Girton, Cambridge — PBP Qualifier >
A brand new 300km event from us that starts in Girton, Cambridge, and heads far out into the ‘wilds’ of Suffolk, dipping a toe in the North Sea at Dunwich, and then to the civilisation that is Norfolk, before heading back to Cambridge via the ‘badlands’ of Fenlandia.
The route passes immediately through Cambridge, the capital of learning, and heads 90km to Ipswich, the olde capital of the “South Folk”, i.e. Suffolk. The route then skirts the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB and visits RSPB Minsmere, before the classic seaside control at Dunwich (of Dynamo infamy) for lunch — once the largest town in all of Great Britain and the ancient capital of the whole of Anglia. The route turns back to a visit to the once second richest city in the land, Norwich, ye olde capital of the “North Folk”, i.e. Norfolk, before turning to Watton, capital of not much, and on to Ely, the capital of religion, before a final push back to Cambridge.
The route starts with a long, but easy climb off the Cambridge Plain and then rolls gently, while getting steadily flatter, until the pan-flat retour for the final 60km, which makes this a straightforward 300km event. Possibly the flattest 300km PBP qualifier in the calendar with nary 2000m of climbing all told, and a great first-300 if you're stepping up to the distance.
There will be our customary hospitality at the finish, included in the entry price.
This event has taken place.
[13 April — The Woodman 100 >][19-419] and [The Woodman's Daughter 50 >][19-416]
A trip around the woods of mid-Essex at bluebell time. 50km has alternative on- and off-road routes which can be mixed and matched – ultra-low minimum speed of 8.3kph on the 50km event gives 6 hours to take your time to enjoy a leisurely day out.
These events have taken place.
[6 April — The Tour de Stour rides — Long Melford, Suffolk >][19-278]
Classic rides from the ancient wool town of Long Melford, tracing the route of the Stour from its origin just to the south of Cambridge, all the way to the estuary at Harwich. Three distances — classic 100 miles (160km), 100km and 60km.
These events have taken place.
16 March — The Cambridge Pork Pie 200 — PBP Qualifier >
We love a good pork pie! Melton Mowbray is synonymous with that tasty, pastry-covered block of jelly-enshrined meat! Nom-nom! This event takes you from Girton, Cambridge, to Melton Mowbray and back via some truly scenic (in the traditional sense) and scenic (in the audax sense) landscapes. A fantastic opportunity to climb les Alpes de Leicestershire to fetch your own pork pie!
This is a surprisingly hilly — and fun! — route for one starting from Cambridge: made more fun because most of the hills are concentrated at the far end. A flat and quick run-out for the first leg, and a mostly flat and quick run back in again on the final leg mean that you should easily make back any time you lose climbing les Alpes de Leicestershire, although don't dilly-dally in Oundle on the way out if you want to beat the cut-offs!
This year Pork Pie is BRM and so will count as a qualifying ride for entry to Paris-Brest-Paris. There's also an optional extra-scenic route!
This event has taken place.
16 March — The Cambridge Spring Dash 100 >
This early in the season everything's just beginning to wake up and it's always good to have something interesting to aim for.
This is a 100km triangular route with a couple of pubs as controls — the Tally Ho in Barkway serves the best coffee I've tasted outside Italy, and THe White Horse in Withersfield (formerly Bradman's) will also oblige; plus there's an optional coffee stop at Bicicletta in Saffron Walden midway between the two. Coffee and croissant at the Tally Ho, elevenses at Bicicletta, and coffee — or a pint — at the White Horse.
There will be cake at arrivée!
This event has taken place.
[9 March — The Horsepower 100 & 200 — Great Dunmow — PBP Qualifier >][19-389]
A good and rolling early-season 200 from Great Dunmow in Essex. A mix of quieter B roads with some lovely lanes in Suffolk and Norfolk. Commercial controls with food at the start and finish included in the entry fee. A week earlier this year, so a good partner to riding the Pork Pie as well!
This ride is ideal to extend to 300 by ECEing from Cambridge, or even extend to 320km for that first double-Imperial-century of the season.
GPS files for these events are here >
These events have taken place.
[2 February — Knights Templar Compasses 100 — Witham][19-204]
The final ACME Winter Series event of this winter, this 100km short winter ride (although technically still autumn) is a bit far for an ECE at 70km from Cambridge, but it's still within range!
This event has taken place.
[12 January 2019 — The Kelvedon Oyster 100 — Kelvedon >][19-245]
The first ACME Winter Series event in the new year, this loop around the lowlands of Essex includes an opportunity to sample a Colchester Native oyster. Quite a long ECE at about 75km each way from Cambridge.
This event has taken place.
[1 December — The Stansted Airport Express 100 — Witham >][18-342]
The first proper winter ride of the ACME Winter Series, this 100km event starts about 65km from Cambridge for an easy ECE to bump it up to 200km.
This event has taken place.
[3 November — Essex 3 R's 100 — Witham][18-340]
The first of the ACME — Audax Club Mid-Essex — Winter Series, this 100km short winter ride (although technically still autumn) is a bit far for an ECE at 70km from Cambridge, but it's still within range!
This event has taken place.
27 October 2018 — The Cambridge Autumnal 200 >
It feels like the end of the year, but it's actually the beginning of the new audax season and October is the time to get the winter bike out and enjoy the change in seasons!
For this autumnal adventure, the route takes you exactly due east across the gently rolling Suffolk landscape via the old towns of Newmarket, Bury St Edmunds and Debenham to the historic castle-and-market town of Framlingham for lunch. The return route visits the Maglia Rosso bike-haven in Hawstead for afternoon tea, before re-ascending the chalk ridgeline around Cambridge and a long descent back to the plains below.
A week later than last year due to another booking in the hall; should return to 19 October next year.
This event has taken place.
27 October 2018 — The Cambridge Autumnal 100 >
For some riders the new audax season starts with that first long ride that leads into the second long ride and so on. We all started somewhere!
This is an exciting route that takes in a series of long, steady climbs through the hills south of Cambridge and visits the historic towns of Thaxted, Saffron Walden and Linton. Over a third of the route is on narrow lanes, the rest being a mix of quiet C, B and A roads. Navigation is straightforward and the scenery should be fantastic!
This event has taken place.
[6 October 2018 — Richard Ellis Memorial 200 — Great Dunmow >][18-388]
The first Essex foray of the new calendar, starting a busy time for the ACME team. This is a lovely route through north Essex, south Cambridgeshire and west Suffolk. To commemorate our friend Richard Ellis' life, tragically cut short; Richard's family have manned some of the controls for the last three years.
This event has taken place.
There is also a shorter [100km route][18-387], ideal for ECEing to 200km.
This event has taken place.
[29 September 2018 — The Suffolk Byways 117 >][18-105]
A wander through Suffolk to the coast at Dunwich and back via Framlingham. A decent distance to the start for an ECE.
This event has taken place.
[22 September 2018 — The Four Minute Mile 200 >][18-265]
A loop from Stevenage to Oxford — the home of the four-minute mile — and back. A rolling, scenic event, but not too hilly in spite of the double-crossing of the Chilterns.
Also the [100km Hertfordshire Greenways][18-268] on the same day — Stevenage is a near-perfect 50km from Cambridge, so this makes for an ideal ECE to 200km!
These events have taken place.
8 September 2018 — Fenland Friends 600 (The Flatlands reversed) »
Tom Deakins' event starting from Churchend, Great Dunmow — an ideal end-of-audax-season, long-long-distance event.
Reverse of 'The Flatlands' (2013-2017) route, to coincide with '[Yorkshire via Essex][18-382]' (600km starting from Sleaford). Easier night route through Lincoln.
This event has taken place.
[1 September 2018 — Shaftesbury CC's Early Autumn Randonées >][18-270]
Just down the road from Cambridge, easy to ECE. Not a lot of information about the routes, of which there are three: [200km][18-270], [170km][18-74] and [110km][18-73]. There are, however, a lot of info controls on each of these — nine on the 200!! — so bring a pencil …
This event has taken place.
13 July 2018 — Hereward The Wake 300 »
Tom Deakins' event starting from Great Dunmow, Essex, at 9pm, and heading in a big triangle through the night to Whittlesey via Cambridge, then Newport Pagnell, and back to base for brunch.
This event has taken place.
28 June 2018 — The ACME Grand 1000 »
Tom Deakins' event starting from Witham, Essex, and heading deep into Wales and back.
This event is classified "BRM" and so success will give me earliest-possible entry to Paris-Brest-Paris next year.
This event has taken place.
14 April 2018 — The Woodman 100 »
Tom Deakins' event starting from Churchend, Great Dunmow — a perfect 50km from Cambridge.
An ECE-friendly 100km Brevet Populaire, that links some of the most attractive remnants of the Forest of Essex. The route takes in Hatfield Forest, Fryerning Wood and Danbury Common, with a descent of The Mighty North Hill thrown in for good measure. Controls at Sawbridgeworth, Ingatestone, Danbury and Witham. Refreshments at the start and cream tea at the finish included in the entry fee.
This event has taken place.
14 April 2018 — The Woodman's Daughter 50 »
Tom Deakins' event starting from Churchend, Great Dunmow — a perfect 50km from Cambridge.
A gentle ride out to cafes at Sawbridgeworth Maltings, using the Flitch Way to Hatfield Forest, also byway & towpath section. Moderately off-road capable bike recommended; alternative on-road route available.
This event has taken place.
17 March 2018 — The Cambridge Pork Pie 200 »
We love a good pork pie! Melton Mowbray is synonymous with that tasty, pastry-covered block of jelly-enshrined meat! Nom-nom! This event takes you from Girton, Cambridge, to Melton Mowbray and back via some truly scenic (in the traditional sense) and scenic (in the audax sense) landscapes. A fantastic opportunity to climb les Alpes de Leicestershire to fetch your own pork pie!
This is a surprisingly hilly — and fun! — route for one starting from Cambridge: made more fun because most of the hills are concentrated at the far end. A flat and quick run-out for the first leg, and a mostly flat and quick run back in again on the final leg mean that you should easily make back any time you lose climbing les Alpes de Leicestershire, although don't dilly-dally in Oundle on the way out if you want to beat the cut-offs!
This year there's just a single control at Melton Mowbray! Plus an optional extra-scenic route!
This event has taken place.
17 March 2018 — The Cambridge Spring Dash 100 »
This early in the season everything's just beginning to wake up and it's always good to have something interesting to aim for.
This is a 100km triangular route with a couple of pubs as controls — the Tally Ho in Barkway serves the best coffee I've tasted outside Italy, and THe White Horse in Withersfield (formerly Bradman's) will also oblige; plus there's an optional coffee stop at Bicicletta in Saffron Walden midway between the two. Coffee and croissant at the Tally Ho, elevenses at Bicicletta, and coffee — or a pint — at the White Horse.
There will be cake at arrivée!
This event has taken place.
21 October 2016 — The Cambridge Autumnal 200 »
It feels like the end of the year, but it's actually the beginning of the new audax season and October is the time to get the winter bike out and enjoy the change in seasons!
For this autumnal adventure, the route takes you exactly due east across the gently rolling Suffolk landscape via the old towns of Newmarket, Bury St Edmunds and Debenham to the historic castle-and-market town of Framlingham for lunch. The return route visits the Maglia Rosso bike-haven in Hawstead for afternoon tea, before re-ascending the chalk ridgeline around Cambridge and a long descent back to the plains below.
This event has taken place.
21 October 2017 — The Cambridge Autumnal 100
For some riders the new audax season starts with that first long ride that leads into the second long ride and so on. We all started somewhere!
This is an exciting new route that takes in a series of long, steady climbs through the hills south of Cambridge and visits the historic towns of Thaxted, Saffron Walden and Linton. Over a third of the route is on narrow lanes, the rest being a mix of quiet C, B and A roads. Navigation is straightforward and the scenery should be fantastic!
This event has taken place.
7 October 2016 — Richard Ellis Memorial 200 — Great Dunmow »
The first Essex foray of the new calendar, starting a busy time for the ACME team. This is a lovely route through north Essex, south Cambridgeshire and west Suffolk. To commemorate our friend Richard Ellis' life, tragically cut short; Richard's family manned some of the controls last year.
This event has taken place.
30 July — London Edinburgh London 1400 — Loughton, Essex »
THE biggest ride in the UK, happens only once every four years, and if you don't already have a place then you will have to wait until 2021, because entries are closed!
A very long, very scenic route from London, through Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, and across the Pennines to Gretna Green before climbing up the Devil's Beeftub and heading east to Edinburgh. Then a magnificently lonely retour through the scarcely-populated Borders to Brampton before heading back to London the way we came, nearly. This ride skirts Cambridge on the way north via St Ives, and currently the route heads back through the centre of Cambridge itself for some late-ride selfies in front of King's College and on past Audley End House into Essex and back to London.
We are, inevitably, forecast gales and rain!!
For me, this is the ride that started it all, back in 2012 — I started audax in November to get myself fit for this ride in July 2013, and I have ridden at least one 200km ride every single month since then! This will be my second LEL and I have already secured a place (as of 6 Jan).
This event has taken place.
22 July — Suffolk Lanes Extravaganza 200 — Bildeston, Suffolk »
A 200km wander around the lanes between Bildestone and the Suffolk coast, visiting our old favourite, Framlingham. Possibly a bit too close to LEL for some.
This ride is ideal to extend to 300km by ECEing from Cambridge (or 200 for the 100).
This event has taken place.
16 July — The Baron's 200 — Good Easter »
A celebration of 200 years since Baron Karl von Drais invented the Laufmaschine, draisine or vélocipede in 1817. A figure-of-eight course. Also 100 and 50.
This ride is ideal to extend to 300km by ECEing from Cambridge (or 200 for the 100).
This event has taken place.
14 July — Hereward the Wake 300 — Great Dunmow »
This is another classic Essex event — a curry dinner (not included) at 6pm for an event start of 9pm. Then 300km of riding through the night and much of the next day — including a visit back to Cambridge — to get back to arrivée for brunch, included in the entry fee. You get a number of larger groups together on this, which makes it a very sociable ride. Sometimes rains.
This ride is ideal to extend to 400km by ECEing from Cambridge.
This event has taken place.
1 July — Kingdom of the East Saxons 400 — Great Dunmow
Literally a true "Essex 400", this route zig-zags around within the pre-1972 boundary of Essex — the former Saxon Kingdom — from the chalk hills of the north-west to the marshy coast along the south-east.
This ride is ideal to extend to 500 by ECEing from Cambridge, especially since the main event doesn't start until 11am on the Saturday. Last year I extended it to 600km, rather than riding The Flatlands for my Essex SR badge!
You can download GPS files from our page here.
This event has taken place.
11 June — Herts High 5 — Ware (where?) »
A visit to the high points of five different counties — Herts, Bucks, Beds, Cambs and Essex — none of which is particularly high, so don't be afraid!
Where's Ware? A near-ideal distance for an ECE from Cambridge, that's where!
This event has taken place.
4 June — The London Ditchling Devil 200 — Wimbledon Common »
This is a ride that's fairly easy to get to the start, even though it's out in West London, and with a large number of starters, for fun. There are some decent sharp climbs, although it's mostly rolling, and the controls are all manned, so plenty of TLC out there.
This ride starts from London, which is an easy train ride away, but you'll have to cycle through city streets to the start. It's worth riding, I think, because it heads down to Brighton on the south coast, an opportunity that is hard to resist!
This event has taken place.
3 June — Asparagus & Strawberries 400 — Manningtree, Colchester »
Another traditional Essex ride starting from Manningtree, this time first thing in the morning. You head circuitously through Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk to Stow-on-the-Wold on the north Norfolk coast for fish & chips before returning to Manningtree via a dead-straight night run through Newmarket and Saffron Walden and then some of the best Essex climbs to test you!
This ride is an easy train ride away from Cambridge via Ipswich to Manningtree, or alight at Ipswich for a gentle warm-up to Manningtree on the bike.
This event has taken place.
27 May — Grand Tour de Stour — Long Melford (Sudbury) »
A lovely route around the length of the River Stour, this is a route through some lovely Essex and Suffolk countryside.
The start of this ride is the perfect distance from Cambridge to extend to 200km.
This event has taken place.
13 May — Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch 400 $raquo;
Just for the name on its own this is worth it! However, I've ridden it and it is a lovely, lovely ride. "Why" you ask, "is it in a list of rides near Cambridge?" For no other reason than it goes almost past the home of my youth — certainly the old route turned right at the pub of my youth! North Wales is my homeland and this is a glorious traverse of it. You'd think it would be mountainous, but it's actually really quite flat — there are optional climbs up Halkyn Mountain and Sychnant, but the new route is almost completely devoid of significant climbs, and yet the views are singularly mountainous as you circumvent Snowdon itself!!
And if ever you get to ride in Wales, you'll discover a distinct lack of traffic, which is almost alien to East Anglia!
And should we ever meet, I'd be happy to pronounce the name in full for you
This event has taken place.
6 May — Green & Yellow Fields 300 — Manningtree, Colchester »
A classic Essex event, starting at one minute past midnight — after the obligatory curry dinner — and heading almost due north to the North Norfolk Coast for breakfast and then a leisurely return to Manningtree in the light for tea. If you've ever wondered whether you can manage riding overnight, this is an ideal ride to test yourself on. We've experienced mild nights and nights at -5ºC, as well as still air through to block 20mph headwinds. Character-building!
This ride is an easy train ride away from Cambridge via Ipswich to Manningtree, or alight at Ipswich for a gentle warm-up to Manningtree on the bike.
This event has taken place.
1 May — The Counties Festival 100 — High Easter, Essex »
This one's new to me, although I'm familiar with the territory — Essex is a lovely county for cycling, because it is definitely hilly, but not Welsh or Scottish hills! The biggest hill is about 100m in elevation gain — less than enough to do any serious harm!
The start of this ride is the perfect distance from Cambridge to extend to 200km.
This event has taken place.
22 April — Seething All Over 200 — Norwich »
I've only just spotted this on the calendar and it looks like a fun ride. The lands south of Norwich are benign and rolling and hilghly enjoyable because of it, and the Maglia Rosso and Framlingham are worthy destinations in my book (see Cambridge Market and Cambridge Autumnal 200).
You may need to catch the first train to Norwich to get to the start in time, but it is just within reach.
This event has taken place.
15 April — Double Dutch 200 — Huntingdon »
Go to Holland on Easter Saturday without leaving the UK! A flat tour of the Fens with waterways, bulbfields, history and an optional ferry.
I have never managed to ride this event, because I'm always either with family for Easter, or riding an Easter Arrow to York … But I hear good things!
This event has taken place.
8 April — The Shaftesbury Spring 200 (etc.) — Henham »
A re-run of the new figure-of-eight route around picturesque Essex, Herts and S.Cambridgeshire. First control is in St Neots, the second back at the event HQ, then a shorter loop back to the HQ (village shop + pubs en route).
This ride is ideal to extend to 300 by ECEing from Cambridge, or even extend to 320km for that first double-Imperial-century of the season …
This event has taken place.
3 April — Stevenage Start of Summertime Specials 200 (etc.) — Stevenage (obviously)
CTC Herts runs these grand events with many hundreds of entrants every year. The route heads westwards to the historical and lovely village of Lavenham in Suffolk before returning. It's a fun route and it's interesting to have so many other riders around.
This ride is ideal to extend to 300 by ECEing from Cambridge, or even extend to 320km for that first double-Imperial-century of the season …
This event has taken place.
18 March — The Cambridge Pork Pie 200 »
We love a good pork pie! Melton Mowbray is synonymous with that tasty, pastry-covered block of jelly-enshrined meat! Nom-nom! This event takes you from Girton, Cambridge, to Melton Mowbray and back via some truly scenic (in the traditional sense) and scenic (in the audax sense) landscapes. A fantastic opportunity to climb les Alpes de Leicestershire to fetch your own pork pie!
This is a surprisingly hilly — and fun! — route for one starting from Cambridge: made more fun because most of the hills are concentrated at the far end. A flat and quick run-out for the first leg, and a mostly flat and quick run back in again on the final leg mean that you should easily make back any time you lose climbing les Alpes de Leicestershire, although don't dilly-dally in Oundle on the way out if you want to beat the cut-offs!
This year there's just a single control at Melton Mowbray! Plus an optional extra-scenic route!
18 March — The Cambridge Spring Dash 100 »
This early in the season everything's just beginning to wake up and it's always good to have something interesting to aim for.
This is a 100km triangular route with a couple of pubs as controls — the Tally Ho in Barkway serves the best coffee I've tasted outside Italy, and Bradman's in Withersfield (formerly the White Horse) will also oblige; plus there's an optional coffee stop at Bicicletta in Saffron Walden midway between the two. Coffee and croissant at the Tally Ho, elevenses at Bicicletta, and coffee — or a pint — at the White Horse.
There will be cake at arrivée!
11 March — Victoria CC's Brazier's Run 100 — Henham »
106km cycling event starting from Henham, S of Saffron Walden. Controls at H.Q. UGLEY, plus 4 information controls. Easy-to-follow route. A warm and friendly welcome to all riders. The price of all refreshements is included in the entry fee — believe me when I say that the quality and quantity of cake on offer makes this an absolutely terrific ride! Slightly later than usual.
An eminently suitable 100km ride for extending to 200km with a suitable ECE from Cambridge!
This event has taken place.
4 March — The Horsepower 200 — Great Dunmow
A good and rolling early-season 200 from Great Dunmow in Essex. A mix of quieter B roads with some lovely lanes in Suffolk and Norfolk. Commercial controls with food at the start and finish included in the entry fee. A week earlier this year, so a good partner to riding the Pork Pie as well!
This ride is ideal to extend to 300 by ECEing from Cambridge, or even extend to 320km for that first double-Imperial-century of the season.
This event has taken place.
4 February — Knights Templar Compasses and Cross 100 — Witham, Essex
The fourth and final of the ACME (Audax Club Mid-Essex) Winter Series of 100km events. This event is a Dan Brown special in the vein of Angels and Demons, visiting a number of churches and chapels that form a cross on the map of Essex (not quite Rome) — oh yeah! Since the churches are also Templar-themed, one could argue a Da Vinci Code relevance, so this ought to be called the Dan Brown Winter Special, I think!
This ride is good, although a little over-distance, to extend to 200km by ECEing from Cambridge. The over-distance on the ECE is almost enough to consider extending to an early-season 300km.
This event has taken place.
21 January — Kelvedon Oyster 100 — Kelvedon, Essex
The third of the ACME (Audax Club Mid-Essex) Winter Series of four 100km events. This event is a 100km scribble on the map passing around a couple of estuaries and with a number of info controls. We're promised an oyster at one of the controls in the entry price!
This ride is good, although a little over-distance, to extend to 200km by ECEing from Cambridge.
This event has taken place.
8 October 2016 — The Cambridge Autumnal 200
A brand new event that we are running for 2016!
It feels like the end of the year, but it's actually the beginning of the new audax season and October is the time to get the winter bike out and enjoy the change in seasons!
For this autumnal adventure, the route takes you exactly due east across the gently rolling Suffolk landscape via the old towns of Newmarket, Bury St Edmunds and Debenham to the historic castle-and-market town of Framlingham for lunch. The return route visits the Maglia Rosso bike-haven in Hawstead for afternoon tea, before re-ascending the chalk ridgeline around Cambridge and a long descent back to the plains below.
This event has taken place.
8 October 2016 — The Cambridge Autumnal 100
A brand new event that we are running for 2016!
For some riders the new audax season starts with that first long ride that leads into the second long ride and so on. We all started somewhere!
This is an exciting new route that takes in a series of long, steady climbs through the hills south of Cambridge and visits the historic towns of Thaxted, Saffron Walden and Linton. Over a third of the route is on narrow lanes, the rest being a mix of quiet C, B and A roads. Navigation is straightforward and the scenery should be fantastic!
This event has taken place.
1 October 2016 — Richard Ellis Memorial 200 — Great Dunmow
The final Essex foray of the calendar — a new route in 2015 that I haven't ridden yet, but everyone said they enjoyed it. To commemorate our friend Richard Ellis' life, tragically cut short, 'Flitchbikes' has been renamed for this year.
This event has taken place.
10 September 2016 — The Flatlands 600 — Great Dunmow
Another classic Essex event: this is possibly the flattest 600km event in the calendar! It has less climbing than all of our Cambridge 200km events! The lack of vertiginous challenge does mean that the one or two lumps on the route do feel like mountains, and spinning across the featureless fens on my own into a block headwind with nowhere to hide is probably the most character-building situation I've ever been in! This is an event that is harder than it appears on paper and is a serious test of mental as well as physical stamina, and should be attempted by any self-respecting audaxer at least once!
This ride is ideal to extend to 700 by ECEing from Cambridge, not that you need the extra distance for any of the standard awards!
This event has taken place.
30 July 2016 — National 400 — Biggin, Hartington
The National 400 is the ideal first 400km event for riders who haven't attempted the distance yet, because it's fully catered and all the controls are manned. You can't beat it. You are going to have to drive to the start, though.
This ride is included because it's one of the big rides on the calendar. It's not particularly close to Cambridge or easy to get to, though.
This event has taken place.
23 July 2016 — Straight Outta Hackney 200 — Harringay, N London
Another ride that heads back to where you've come from with a control in the city centre of Cambridge. It's fun to ride out of London and experience the roads and lanes getting steadily quieter, before turning around in Cambridge and heading all the way back again with the associated increase in volume. Run by the coolest club in audax — Audax Club Hackney — there's usually a barbecue and beer at one of the organisers' homes afterwards!
This ride starts from London, which is an easy train ride away, but you'll have to cycle through city streets to the start.
This event has taken place.
15 July 2016 — Hereward the Wake 300 — Great Dunmow
This is another classic Essex event — a curry dinner (not included) at 6pm for an event start of 9pm. Then 300km of riding through the night and much of the next day — including a visit back to Cambridge — to get back to arrivée for brunch, included in the entry fee. You get a number of larger groups together on this, which makes it a very sociable ride. Sometimes rains.
This ride is ideal to extend to 400 by ECEing from Cambridge.
This event has taken place.
2 July 2016 — Kingdom of the East Saxons 400 — Great Dunmow
A new Essex 400 — literally — for 2016, this route zig-zags around within the pre-1972 boundary of Essex — the former Saxon Kingdom — from the chalk hills of the north-west to the marshy coast along the south-east.
This ride is ideal to extend to 500 by ECEing from Cambridge, especially since the main event doesn't start until 11am on the Saturday.
You can download GPS files from our page here.
This event has taken place.
16 August 2015 — Paris-Brest-Paris 1200
"PBP" is the blue-riband audax/randonneuring event around the world! It has been running since 1891, and is a veritable festival of cycling. Over 6000 cyclists will take part in this 1200km ride across western France to the tip of Brittany and back again. It happens only once every four years, and 2015 is one of those years.
Many of the rides in the UK during March thru June have been "qualifiers" for this event — to qualify you must successfully complete a Super Randonneur series of eligible rides: 200km + 300km + 400km + 600km. Qualification is now complete, but it's listed here to give context to some of the other rides listed.
This event has taken place. The next running will be in August 2019.